Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Child Called "It"

A Child Called “It”
By David Peltzer

Taking each day at a time, David always finds something to keep him going. He is a young boy, still in elementary school. David is a “bad boy”- everyday he is punished for things he does wrong, and sometimes for things he doesn’t do wrong. His mother and the rest of his “family” treat him as if he is nothing. A “prisoner of war” is how David best describes his life, because basically that is truly how he is treated. His mother makes him do things that no human being should even have to think of.
This book, I thought was one of my favorite books I have read. The things that happen in the story broke my heart and made me feel so much for this little boy. This is a true story about the author of the book; he is sharing his story with the world by writing this book. When you read the words off the pages you can almost put your self right there with him and to me that was what made me not want to put the book down. After reading this. I’ve continued to read the sequels because it is such a powerful story.
I rate this 4 out of 5 stars. .

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